KONECNE! na napisanie tohto som cakala mesiac ..

autor:: Elendurwen

rubrika:: poezia

Millions of biting ants
Are running down my spine
I can't walk anymore
I'm squeezed into a line

Overcoming possession
Sleepiness of the night
It waters my brain cells
Its grip is so tight

Bring some more pain
And inject more sorrow
I will thousand times
Give back what I borrow

Spit some hate into
My plastic stunned face
It will bounce back on you
As sphere of bright rays

My eyes are closing
But I can see your fear
You fall like cards
When my breath is near

And the more you hold
Your bewitched tongue
The more you feel sick
The more you are drunk

With senseless feelings
You poisoned me with
See, now without you
I can finally breathe

napísanísané:: 18.3.2008

prečítalo:: 1215 ludí