autor:: Elendurwen

rubrika:: psycho

I watch the stones
Crushing in time
And the water
Falls down
It’s floating
On my thoughts

And suddenly I fall inside, I’m glowing and shaking and all the time dies.
And my body flies
Into infinity
The primary state
Of mind
It wants me to bind
Myself with world

And I can feel the difference between me and my body, it’s a different entity of the Universe. I want to abandon it,
But I’m scared of the power
I feel in my head
Under her I melt
Into black and white rainbow
And everything is shaking
Moving across the body
And I try to flee
But it’s holding me
Strongly with its paws

Then the sharp claws
Of the innocent twist my arms and bite my legs,
And my hearth shakes
The ubiquitous burst
The colours and heat
I feel the seed
Which the pure energy left behind in my soul. It sleeps somewhere hidden, deep in lakes of my thoughts.
And I dive underneath the fire
And I drown in mire
Of dead particles
That escaped the reality
Outside the bounds of space
And the Universe
Is getting old
And I feel cold
Watching it dying
When our reality
Diffuses with energy.

napísanísané:: 14.3.2007

prečítalo:: 1218 ludí